Content Creation: How to Stay Inspired

Staying inspired and creative can sometimes be difficult. Below are a few things you can do to overcome any roadblocks you may face.


Follow Brands & Accounts that Inspire You

You control your feed (on IG), so make sure who you’re following provides value to you. Follow brands that you admire. Follow creators that keep you engaged. Below are some of our favorite accounts to follow. FYI — these are very much relevant to us and our brand.

Follow Hashtags that are Relevant to You and Your Brand

Similar to following brands and accounts that inspire you, your feed can also feature hashtags that you follow. We recommend following hashtags that best represent your brand, your target audience and key terms you associate with.

For example, a woman-owned Bakery might want to follow the hashtags: #Bakery #WomanOwnedBusiness #BakingTips. Each hashtag provides different value. The “Bakery” hashtag will likely pull posts from and about bakeries. This can potentially help your business as it will connect you to similar businesses. The “WomanOwnedBusiness” hashtag will connect you to a network of posts related to women entrepreneurs. You’ll likely be able to find a lot of valuable content and resources. The hashtag “Baking Tips” will pull through content that is valuable because “tips” are educational.

Search Reels & Save Audio/Sounds

The Reels page on Instagram & the “For You” page on TikTok are great places to find inspirational content. The more you engage with certain types of content, the more you will get fed that in your feed. Save Reels that make an impression on you. We recommend saving sounds from your favorite Reels. Remember, sounds have the power to move people. They aid in storytelling.

Save Inspirational/Educational Posts

One of the best things about social media is that you have so much content at your fingertips. Use it to your advantage. Save posts that you find engaging. Save posts that you find useful. On Instagram you’re about to create “Collections.” Categorize your saved posts by collections.

Write Down Every Single Idea

You’ve heard the saying, “No idea is a bad idea,” right? Well, that’s exactly true? Jot it down. We like to keep ours in our notes app on our phone. Sometimes, having a notebook or a dry erase board can also help.


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